"You likewise will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of these meaningful and significant things. Some of them may be funny. Some may be of significance only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience."

--President Hinckley, from a BYU speech: "Experiences Worth Remembering" given 31 October 2006

Monday, October 20, 2008

A lot has happen since we got back from Jeremey graduation

Great birthday good job Wesley you big boy now 7 years old

Wesley birthday made PJ and a blanket Turned 7 on oct 19
Ken spent UEA with Jennie and the kids at this is the place

Jayson and Jill looking good they got home from there trip with Paul and had a great time. Jeremey and Abby at the football game in logan playing BYU against Aggie guess who won?
Jacey and Nick over to see us when we got home they look good to.

Jennie birthday Sept.24 and looking good for 35

Welcome home party for Jeremey - good time- came home with a lot of good stories and values to share with the family Johns birthday Oct13 went to grace and put ballons and flowers and there was snow on the ground
As grand parents we were able to watch Abby and Annie while Katie was in school and Jeremey off on week end duty here we are at the logan cemetery, beautiful day
Jacey drew this picture of a girlscout and i put it on a apron what a cute apron and it looks like Jacey , jacey is a good artis

Jayson and Jill and Paul at there wind rivers trip lots of good pictures
Aggie days look at this family they all look good and they are ready to go

We all went up for Aggie days Jennie and Jeremey look good

I made this apron on Jennie birthday turned out cute

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Trip to Fort Leonard Wood Jeremey graduation and our visit to Historic Nauvoo and Mount Rushmore

This is my great great great great grand mother that was in Nauvoo that made this trip what it was. This is Martha Bartholomew Vail she left Nauvoo 1846 and she came to Council Bluffs in 1848 stayed there and then 1851 came west . We found here records in Nauvoo and in Council Bluffs and in SLC What a neat story she has to tell. We are so lucky to have her as our great grand mother and the legacy she left for us.

We are home after a incredible journey. We were able to visit Jeremey at his graduation in St. Roberts Missouri at Fort Leonard Wood then we went to Historic Nauvoo Illinois and was able to attend a session at the Nauvoo Temple was able to go to Carthage Jail and then up to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota then to Martin Cove in Wyoming what a trip, what a great time.

Friday, August 15, 2008

bountiful aprons fair

We had a great time what great pictures Good Job Every body

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Farewell Bentley!

Bentley's farewell was so beautiful -- he did a fantastic job, and is now officially a missionary! He had a wonderful turnout, and it was a great tribute to him and his parents -- thanks for the inspiration, Elder!